Worem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec mauris lorem, luctus nec imperdiet a, porttitor eget erat. Quisque suscipit congue neque id adipiscing. Vivamus ornare nisl id lacus egestas quis varius dolor vehicula. Cras ac lacus in massa sagittis sollicitudin quis in lorem. Aliquam et diam ac massa convallis tincidunt. In arcu ante, adipiscing nec pharetra ut, cursus vitae lorem. Nam eget mauris eget neque sagittis vulputate.

F   Copy this code at the beginning of your text (You’ll need to be in the html editing window.):

<img src="http://dailydropcap.com/images/W-1-cap.png" title="Daily Drop Cap by Jessica Hische" align="left" alt="W"/>

F   Be sure to remove the original text letter you are replacing.

Xorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec mauris lorem, luctus nec imperdiet a, porttitor eget erat. Quisque suscipit congue neque id adipiscing. Vivamus ornare nisl id lacus egestas quis varius dolor vehicula. Cras ac lacus in massa sagittis sollicitudin quis in lorem. Aliquam et diam ac massa convallis tincidunt. In arcu ante, adipiscing nec pharetra ut, cursus vitae lorem. Nam eget mauris eget neque sagittis vulputate.

F   Copy this code at the beginning of your text (You’ll need to be in the html editing window.):

<img src="http://dailydropcap.com/images/X-1-cap.png" title="Daily Drop Cap by Jessica Hische" align="left" alt="X"/>

F   Be sure to remove the original text letter you are replacing.

Yorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec mauris lorem, luctus nec imperdiet a, porttitor eget erat. Quisque suscipit congue neque id adipiscing. Vivamus ornare nisl id lacus egestas quis varius dolor vehicula. Cras ac lacus in massa sagittis sollicitudin quis in lorem. Aliquam et diam ac massa convallis tincidunt. In arcu ante, adipiscing nec pharetra ut, cursus vitae lorem. Nam eget mauris eget neque sagittis vulputate.

F   Copy this code at the beginning of your text (You’ll need to be in the html editing window.):

<img src="http://dailydropcap.com/images/Y-1-cap.png" title="Daily Drop Cap by Jessica Hische" align="left" alt="Y"/>

F   Be sure to remove the original text letter you are replacing.

Zorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec mauris lorem, luctus nec imperdiet a, porttitor eget erat. Quisque suscipit congue neque id adipiscing. Vivamus ornare nisl id lacus egestas quis varius dolor vehicula. Cras ac lacus in massa sagittis sollicitudin quis in lorem. Aliquam et diam ac massa convallis tincidunt. In arcu ante, adipiscing nec pharetra ut, cursus vitae lorem. Nam eget mauris eget neque sagittis vulputate.

F   Copy this code at the beginning of your text (You’ll need to be in the html editing window.):

<img src="http://dailydropcap.com/images/Z-1-cap.png" title="Daily Drop Cap by Jessica Hische" align="left" alt="Z"/>

F   Be sure to remove the original text letter you are replacing.

Special Guest

Australian native Luke Lucas, letterer and super entrepreneur (and incredibly nice dude), makes some of the most badass hyper-illustrative type out there. You’ve probably seen his work all over design blogs as he has quite a following of fan boys and girls and his site Life Lounge is a great resource for all things art, design, and culture related. I first “met” Luke when he invited me to participate in his Life Lounge show “Some Type of Wonderful” along with a great list of other artists. When I visited Melbourne this past year, I had the opportunity to meet him in person.

F   Copy this code at the beginning of your text (You’ll need to be in the html editing window.):

<img src="http://dailydropcap.com/images/luke-lucas-small.png" title="Daily Drop Cap by Luke Lucas" align="left" alt="A"/>

F   Be sure to remove the original text letter you are replacing.

Special Guest

Aesides being a type designer and letterer for House Industries, Ken Barber, today’s contributor, also runs a great site called Type and Lettering which was initially created for his students at MICA and attendees of the workshops he conducts. It offers a behind-the-scenes peek at various type design and lettering projects, information on lettering materials, book recommendations and a whole bunch more. I was first introduced to Ken’s work in college, as pretty much every university student has a full body crush on House Industries work. He happened to have graduated from my alma matter, Tyler School of Art, and was lauded as a star alumni along with Paula Scher!

F   Copy this code at the beginning of your text (You’ll need to be in the html editing window.):

<img src="http://dailydropcap.com/images/ken-barber-small.png" title="Daily Drop Cap by Ken Barber" align="left" alt="B"/>

F   Be sure to remove the original text letter you are replacing.

Special Guest

Aontrary to the vector nature of this drop cap, I was originally introduced to Maxwell Lord’s more hand-done crazy lettering such as this piece. He and I were both asked to participate in Luke Lucas’s project Some Type of Wonderful a year or two ago (which was a traveling art show in Australia eventually turned into a calendar) and I was totally drawn in by his crazy intricate stylings. He’s particularly savvy with blackletter inspired lettering and tattooish scripts. Check him out!

F   Copy this code at the beginning of your text (You’ll need to be in the html editing window.):

<img src="http://dailydropcap.com/images/maxwell-lord-small.png" title="Daily Drop Cap by Maxwell Lord" align="left" alt="C"/>

F   Be sure to remove the original text letter you are replacing.

Special Guest

Daniel Pelavin is a seasoned letterer that I met while working for Louise Fili. According to his site, he’s in his “fourth decade of transforming and melding the images and cultural ephemera of our times into cogent and compelling messages for publishing, advertising and communication design.” His lettering work, though fairly masculine, is beautiful with just the right amount of historical inspiration. Check out this badass example. His colors are bold and bright and his technical skills are unmatched. He had a lot of fun making this D, which to me feels like a 1950s ray gun made for a 1980s film! Or maybe a really crazy jukebox?

F   Copy this code at the beginning of your text (You’ll need to be in the html editing window.):

<img src="http://dailydropcap.com/images/daniel-pelavin-small.png" title="Daily Drop Cap by Daniel Pelavin" align="left" alt="D"/>

F   Be sure to remove the original text letter you are replacing.

Special Guest

Everything that Alison Carmichael makes has the perfect amount of whimsy and playfulness—even when she’s illustrating not-so-nice words (check out her store to see this one!). I’m so happy to feature such an INCREDIBLY talented lady among the guests of this alphabet—she works in a billion styles and mediums for her lettering and calligraphy (including ketchup! and in the case of this drop cap, “black treacle” (which I had to google)). I had been seeing Alison’s work all over the internet for a long while and you’ve probably seen her Clean Me calligraphy if you’ve used the internet at all in the past two years.

F   Copy this code at the beginning of your text (You’ll need to be in the html editing window.):

<img src="http://dailydropcap.com/images/alison-carmichael-small.png" title="Daily Drop Cap by Alison Carmichael" align="left" alt="E"/>

F   Be sure to remove the original text letter you are replacing.

Special Guest

Friends of Type is a wonderful little dude collective that started up around the same time as Daily Drop Cap consisting of Erik Marinovich, Aaron Carámbula, Jason Wong, and Dennis Payongayong. They have a similar ethos: output fancy lettering daily (admittedly they are much stricter about their “daily”ness than I had been—hat tip, fellas). I happen to be current classmates with one of the Friends and it has been an absolute pleasure getting to know them all. It was particularly awesome when they asked me to guest post last year! Most fun ever. If you have a Duvel in front of you, drink up, it’s their studio beer of choice!

F   Copy this code at the beginning of your text (You’ll need to be in the html editing window.):

<img src="http://dailydropcap.com/images/FOT-small.gif" title="Daily Drop Cap by Friends of Type" align="left" alt="F"/>

F   Be sure to remove the original text letter you are replacing.